2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2003 10:12 PM by shareme

    BEA CEO says JBoss is not competition


      I was listening to the BEAS earnings ccall this afternoon, and during Q&A some analyst asked about JBOSS.
      Here are some choice quotes from the ccall. I tried typing the CEO's exact words, but I might have mangled a few.

      The CEO said "We are not addressing the same space as JBOSS. We are addressing the market very differently. There may be a collision in the future, but I don't think so."

      "BEA is a great supporter of open source movement. We are just at the beginning of distributed computing, and I think open source helps proliferate a standard, e.g. J2EE"

      "Our product leadership completely blows the doors off everybody else. And we are just at hte brink of introducing a new product cycle which will redefine app server market aqnd increase or development lead by 2+ years over the competition."

      I can't believe he said 2+ years development lead over everybody, IBM, SUN, JBOSS, etc. Sure.... Uh uh..