1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 16, 2003 4:32 PM by juhalindfors

    SourceForge Anonymous CVS Unberable



      Basically just a rant here. Anonymous access to JBoss CVS on sourceforge is nearly impossible these days. And, it's been getting worse. Very difficult to establish a connection to the server. From the SourceForge CVS Site Status page:


      ( 2003-06-13 08:17:23 - Project CVS Services ) The SourceForge.net team is aware of the continued performance issues afflicting project CVS services. While a portion of the work needed to alleviate these issues has been completed, we are currently waiting for the implementation of new hardware to complete this work; this is expected to occur in the month of August. In the mean time, the following steps will be taken by SourceForge.net staff: developer (SSH) CVS access will not be changed; pserver-based CVS access from the project shell servers (i.e. from cron jobs) will not be changed, but the overall cap of pserver connections from the shell will be lowered to a more reasonable level; pserver-based CVS access from external hosts (i.e. not the project shell server) will be served against the backup CVS server, which contains data roughly 24 hours older than that on the primary CVS server; ViewCVS access will be provided using the backup CVS server (data shown by ViewCVS may be older than the current data in the repository). These changes will be transparent to users and will not require any configuration changes on your part. These measures are temporary and will be removed pending the successful completion of our work to improve performance on the primary CVS server. It is our expectation that offloading ViewCVS services and pserver-based CVS access to the backup CVS server will bring developer CVS performance back to a reasonable level. Should you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact the SourceForge.net team by submitting a Support Request.

      Just sitting here retrying and wishing there were a more
      easily accessible repository for JBoss CVS. Looks like the
      sourceforge CVS situation is not likely to improve for a couple months.
