3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 27, 2003 1:30 PM by juhalindfors

    What is the JBoss release cycle???


      Where can I find information on what the release cycle is for JBoss? There has been some confusion here as to what is considered a JBoss production release with the latest JBoss distribution. Some believe JBoss 3.2.0 is the latest production release, while others believe it's JBoss 3.2.1. This begs the question, "What is a 'Scott' release?" Will someone explain all of this?


        • 1. Re: What is the JBoss release cycle???

          First 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 differences is what is known as a minor release ie improving specific things..

          The roadmap to version 4 is here:


          • 2. Re: What is the JBoss release cycle???

            In my experience, the convention used for the version number has been ..<patch/bug fixes> and so the 3rd number would not be considered a minor release, but a patched release that included multiple bug fixes for a . release.

            Internal to the organization where the bug fixes are occurring, there would be an addition to the convention to include the build number as ..<patch/bug fixes>-<build number>, because multiple builds occur until the organization feels comfortable releasing that patched release. At that time the the 3rd (<patch/bug fixes> ) version number position would be increased showing that it was a patched release under that . version release.

            Regardless of all that stuff, what is a "Scott" release as opposed to some other type of production release? Is it part of the main release for JBoss? I ask, because sometimes an organization will post a release that addresses many bug fixes, but it is not considered a part of the main release although some of the fixes to the bugs it addresses may be included in the main release. On the JBoss home page they have labeled version 3.2.1 a "Scott" release, but I would like to know what is the latest stable main production release.


            • 3. Re: What is the JBoss release cycle???

              Version numbering is explained here: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=html&op=userdisplay&id=developers/guides/cvs-admin

              The latest stable production releases are in the 3.2.x line.