1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 24, 2003 6:37 AM by darranl

    JBoss4.0 problem


      I've a fully tested and working application on JBoss 3.2. If i try to deploy the application on JBOss 4.0, It gives me problems; the application is deployed but if I try to access the application from a client (a plain java class) it gives JNDI problems .. while with JBoss 3.2 all is ok.
      Can you help me?

        • 1. Re: JBoss4.0 problem

          You will probably get more response if you post this message on the EJB forum.

          Also it will be useful if you can provide any stack traces or errors that you are receiving.

          If you look at the JMX console there is a service called 'JNDI View' (I am assuming that this is still there in JBoss 4.0), this service can give you a list of everything bound to JNDI, using this you will be able to check that everything as bound as expected and the name that it is bound under.