1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 19, 2003 12:19 PM by juha

    JBoss 4.0.0 Roadmap


      I see an outdated roadmap for the 4 release that mentions an August/September preview release and a November/December release. Is there an updated roadmap somewhere that includes features that are in progress and the milestones that need to be completed before the release date?

        • 1. Re: JBoss 4.0.0 Roadmap

          Really the best way to get an idea of JBoss release roadmaps is to attend the bootcamps. We have a road map that we discuss internally, and then present and discuss and give updates on it in and between bootcamp sessions.

          Bill is in charge of the public roadmap on the website, he may decide to update it if he finds the extra time but your best bet is to attend a bootcamp and get some face-to-face time with him. You may be able to bug him to update the website as well.

          -- Juha