2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2004 11:45 AM by marc.fleury

    Benefits for JBoss developers


      Hello Community!

      Just trying to understand philosophy of open source developers.
      What is the reward for taking part in such developments?

      Is there any money bonuses for the people who has taken part in the developments of let say JBoss application server?

      Is it permanent job for a people or just a hobby?

      I would appreciate any comments on it...

        • 1. Re: Benefits for JBoss developers

          Eternal fame :-)

          Most useful aspect of opensource software is the ability to look at how things work, and a chance to fix problems when you encounter them (for the capable).

          You can also add features which would be useful to you. As (due to the LGPL licence) source code changes need to be publicly available anyway, there is no better way than actually putting the in the original JBoss codebase as this lessens your work when new versions become available.

          I think that most developers will be doing their JBoss work as part of their daytime job, some of them as JBoss emplyees, most for other companies, and a few as hobby in their spare time, but that is just my guess.


          • 2. Re: Benefits for JBoss developers


            We all start for fame, but what keeps everyone going is the money. JBoss today is professional open source. If you are going to do that full time and not just "amateur open source" then you need to be paid and feed the kids and pay the mortgage.