1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 12, 2002 3:21 PM by break

    IBM 1.3.1 JDK vs. Sun 1.4 JDK


      I believe that IBM 1.3 jdk is faster than Sun 1.3 JDK, according to many benchmark available.

      However, for 1.4 version of JDK, I can't find any benchmark, anyone try to compare Sun 1.4 JDK with IBM 1.3 JDK with JBoss?

        • 1. Re: IBM 1.3.1 JDK vs. Sun 1.4 JDK

          Even if it might be slightly faster (I don't know), I don,t think you should use IBM's JDK, no matter which version, and the reason is simple : it's _not_ standard. Every IBM JDK release is a hodge-podge of different versions, some parts of ulterior versions and some parts of older ones... It works ok with VAJava and WebSphere, but with JBoss?! You should be careful.