1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 26, 2003 3:44 PM by ligado

    JVM Performance Tuning



      is there any JBoss specific JVM Performance Tuning, eg: setting up heap size, garbage collection etc? How do i do it? Is there any documentation available?


        • 1. Re: JVM Performance Tuning

          Tuning your heap is dependent on the virutal machine you are using. A rule of thumb with heap size is to give the app server as much memory as you can afford to give it :)

          Tuning garbage collection is JVM dependent. If you are using Sun's 1.3.1, there is a tuning doc at the following URL:


          But to summarize, in an enterprise environment, increase you young generation size to a little less than half the heap size - and increase your survivor spaces to somewhere around 1/8th of the young generation (SurvivorRatio=6)..

          The optimal setting will be dependent on your application and your use of memory, but this is a good starting point