3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 10, 2004 12:31 PM by semi

    Fastest way from ejbql Collection to ValueObject[]?


      Hey all,
      To date, I have been doing the following to cast my ejbfinder/ejbselects to value objects:

      Collection codes = ahome.findAll();
      MyEntityLocal[] mycodes = (MyEntityLocal[])codes.toArray(new MyEntityLocal[0]);
      MyEntityLightValue[] myvo = new MyEntityLightValue[mycodes.length];
      for (int i=0; i<mycodes.length; i++){
      myvo[ i ] = mycodes[ i ].getMyEntityLightValue();
      ==end code==

      Is there a more efficient/faster way of doing this? I looked into ejbselects to return directly the Value Object Array, but that did not meet with success.

      Any help would be appreciated!

        • 1. Re: Fastest way from ejbql Collection to ValueObject[]?


          Take a look at http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-santa1/. That example has a good implementation for retrieving value objects. A reminder: you have to take special care in supporting bi-directional relationships when dealing with value objects (e.g. object A has one/many B, B has one/many A) or else it will be reentrant (recursive).

          If you like the way it is implemented in the IBM example, try using XDoclet. It generates everything for you!


          • 2. Re: Fastest way from ejbql Collection to ValueObject[]?


            creating an array and copying all items from a collection into it
            is more expensive as a simple iterator walktrough with casts
            on each item.

            Collection codes = ahome.findAll();
            MyEntityLightValue[] myvo = new MyEntityLightValue[codes.size()];
            Iterator iterator = codes.iterator();
            for(int index=myvo.length; index>0; index--)
             myvo[index] = ((MyEntityLocal)iterator.next()).getMyEntityLightValue();

            *note there is no iterator.hasNext() as break condition but
            a simple counter because you know, how many times you can
            invoke iterator.next().

            For large collections you can access the item buffer of a
            collection directly without the costs of invoking a
            ArrayList.get(index) or iterator.next() at all.

            Field elementDataField = ArrayList.class.getDeclaredField("elementData");
            Object myEntities[] = (Object[])elementDataField.get(ahome.findAll());
            MyEntityLightValue[] myvo = new MyEntityLightValue[myEntities.length];
            for(int index=0; index<myvo.length; index++)
             myvo[index] = ((MyEntityLocal)myEntities[index]).getMyEntityLightValue();
            return myvo;

            or even reuse the buffer and return an array with value objects.
            (I assume the collection is garbage collected after the method call)
            Field elementDataField = ArrayList.class.getDeclaredField("elementData");
            Object myEntities[] = (Object[])elementDataField.get(ahome.findAll());
            for(int index=0; index<myEntities.length; index++)
             myEntities[index] = ((MyEntityLocal)myEntities[index]).getMyEntityLightValue();
            return myEntities; // Object[]


            • 3. Re: Fastest way from ejbql Collection to ValueObject[]?

              Ohh... the first code block should be like this :-)

              Collection codes = ahome.findAll();
              MyEntityLightValue[] myvo = new MyEntityLightValue[codes.size()];
              Iterator iterator = codes.iterator();
              for(int index=0; index<myvo.length; index++)
               myvo[index] = ((MyEntityLocal)iterator.next()).getMyEntityLightValue();