0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 15, 2004 7:00 AM by chrisdutz

    Tuning-Hints for JBoss


      At the moment I am working on a project for SAP where we have to compare the new SAP Netweavers performance compared to JBoss 4.0.0.

      As Installing SAP Netweaver on a Server-Cluster was a total, neverending nightmare and SAP secially wanted uncensored results, I am planing on giving them exactly what they wanted ;)

      I already evaluated some switches such as:
      - Using JBoss CLassloader in Tomcat
      - Turning off Call-by-Value
      - Increasing the prepared Statement cache
      - Using the BEA JRockit VM

      Any other Ideas? I don't want any answers of the form "You can't say, you it depends on ..." As I am going to test them ;)

      Christofer Dutz