2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 28, 2005 11:48 PM by clebert.suconic

    jboss startup - serialize ejb deployment



      i'm trying to reduce the startup time of the jboss (4.x) for a huge ejb application. i was wondering if its possible to serialize the 'work' of the ejbdeployer. in a second startup these serialized data would be read in.

      maybe someone did things like that before, giving me a hint if its worth a try?

      thanks in ad,

        • 1. Re: jboss startup - serialize ejb deployment

          have you tried to use unpacked deployments? (i.e. instead of putting a .xAR file in deploy, you unzip it and put a .xAR DIRECTORY in deploy). Can you try and give us some figures?



          • 2. Re: jboss startup - serialize ejb deployment

            If you want to, you might use an ant macrodef like that:

             <macrodef name="unzip-rename">
             <attribute name="zip-file"/>
             <echo message="file = @{zip-file}"></echo>
             <move file="@{zip-file}" tofile="@{zip-file}.original"> </move>
             <mkdir dir="@{zip-file}"/>
             <unzip dest="@{zip-file}" src="@{zip-file}.original"></unzip>
             <delete file="@{zip-file}.original"></delete>

            <unzip-rename zip-file="/yourserver/deploy/app.ear"/>
            <unzip-rename zip-file="/yourserver/deploy/app.ear/app.war"/>