0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 17, 2005 6:42 AM by andrewv

    Concurrent processing of XML-RPC requests in JBoss



      I have a working Web Service, in JBoss 4.0.2.

      From an external (Java) client application, I create
      a service, and from it, then create multiple
      end points. Each end points is given to a separate
      client thread, which proceeds to independently
      make XML-RPC calls on the JBoss Web Service.

      I am finding that the Web Service implementation
      is being invoked in a serialized fasion.
      ie, not concurrently, as I would have expected.

      Is there a restriction on the concurrent invocation
      of methods of the end point implementation
      that I have deployed in JBoss, or is there any
      configuration parameter(s) which control this
      invocation concurrency ? I have left the JBoss
      configs pretty much at their defaults, except
      to configure the Web Service.
