Currently at 3-4msec as measured at the Rich Client decoder (JAX-WS) after upgrading to AMD64 X2 5200+. Using JBoss 4.2.2GA and JDK 1.6.0_07. Apache is in front of JBoss and access logs indicate 0usec for about 90% of the requests.
Tony Anecito
Hi Tony,
Hi Peter and other folks,
It is very good thread and your input is really great help.
I have few questions.
Before my questions, I want you to know about the environment.
Our Environment is : RHEL ( redhat enter prise Linux) 5.0, JBoss 5.x, Oracle 11G RAC. etc.. No Web UI for this app.
I heard that in latest versions, Some of the values can be dynamically changed based on the load, even if you set the value to default.
Q1) For Load balancing: is it good to use APache load balancer or the hardware load balancer ? for the JBoss 5.1.0 as App Server ?
Q2) What are the important parameters in DB, Linux, JBoss, JVM, need to change to tune the performance?
Q3) WHat are the in built tools we can use the anlyze the performance on top the LoadRunner(to apply concurrent users stress the load). ?
I understand that the values are based on the application behaviour and based on the load. Here I want to know more details about which value and where we need to change based on the specific analysis..
For example, threads are waiting, then we can increase the Max thread size..
I hope I am giving clear details of my issue.
Thank you,
Q1) A hardware load balancer is always better. The question is - how big of a load to you expect and are you willing to pay the price? Fir small loads, sw load balancers are fine.
Q2) You'll find a lot of this in the forum posts, various web location including blogs, and in books specific to the database, OS and JBoss AS.
Q3) Various mbeans within JBoss AS provide response time information. This information can be obtained using almost any JMX client, including Jopr, JMeter, and VisualVM.