3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 22, 2007 5:11 PM by peterj

    Number of webcontainer threads and connection pools used ???


      Hi all,

      I am new to jboss administration, Could any one of you help me with my question,

      How can I monitor the number of webcontainer pools and jdbc connection pools used by the application? Is there any command to find out the usage or do we have any monitoring tools like what we have for WebSphere? or any 3rd party monitoring tool.

      Please give me any solution, I would really appreciate your help. I have no clue how to get these parameters.

      Thanks in advance,

        • 1. Re: Number of webcontainer threads and connection pools used

          For connection pools, use jmx-console (or twiddle) to look at the mbean named jboss.jca:service=ManagedConnectionPool,name=XXX where XXX is the JNDI name of your data source.

          For web app threads look at the mbean jboss.web:name=http-,type=ThreadPool (note that the ip address and port numbers can vary)

          • 2. Re: Number of webcontainer threads and connection pools used

            Hi Peter,

            Thanks once again, this was really what I was looking for.

            Type Access Value
            MinSize int RW 5
            MaxConnectionsInUseCount long R 7
            MaxSize int RW 100
            InUseConnectionCount long R 0

            I have a question for you, in the above metrics which were displayed for the datasource on JMX console, is there anything wrong in the way I interpret the metrics.

            a. Datasource min and max number of connection is set to 5 and 100 Respectively.
            b. MaxConnectionsInUseCount= no. of connections in the pool
            c. InUseConnectionCount = no. of connections in use at present.

            Please correct me if I am wrong.


            In the threads too I have a similar question, does the current threads buzy indicated "the number of threads that are being used" and the currentThreadCount indicates "number of threads in pool", am I right?


            minSpareThreads int RW 4
            currentThreadsBusy int R 2
            currentThreadCount int R 9
            maxSpareThreads int RW 50
            maxThreads int RW 250

            I would be very glad if you can clear my concepts.


            • 3. Re: Number of webcontainer threads and connection pools used

              You are mostly correct (well, as far as I know, I would have to dig through the source code to verify the exact usage), except that MaxConnectionsInUseCount is the maximum number of connections that were ever allocated since the app server started.