0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2008 12:42 PM by joaoluiscamilo

    Thread Pool size configuration at Jboss 3.2.3 with Jetty


      Hi! I'm IT administrator and I manager Jboss at my jbob. I have a system in java 1.4 that run in in one jboss 3.2.3 with jetty. The application get slow's during some moments of high utilization but, the machine have a lot of power processing and memory utilization free in these moments. The applications is accesses from the Internet throw AJP13 comunication between apache web server and Jboss. I raised the number of threads of AJP13 conector a it didn't resolved my problem. I noticed that in these moments I have difficults to acces my jmx-console too. I hink that it could be the size of Jetty Pool Tread, but I don't know where to adjust this setting on Jboss 3.2.3 with jetty. If someone could help. I found this reference at Jetty's pages but I dont' know where to put this:

      And here another solution that I didn't undesrtand: