2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 10, 2009 2:59 PM by igain



      I have a doubt over the following JVM option

      -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=nn millis

      Is it to instruct the JVM to keep major collection pause time under nn milli seconds or minor collection pause time?

      I belive there is no gurantee over the time which i specify in this, but JVM will try to keep the puase time close to nn millis. Is that understanding correct?

        • 1. Re: MaxGCPauseMillis

          Looking at the JVM source for 1.5.0_10, it would appear that this option is used only by the ParallelScavange collector, and is used only for major collections. There is a separate option, MaxGCMinorPauseMillis, that is used ofr the minor collections.

          In JDK 7 (b-53, 02Apr09), the MaxGCPauseMillis is also applied to the CMS collector (which is major collection only).

          • 2. Re: MaxGCPauseMillis

            Thanks for the info Peter.