0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 19, 2009 6:13 AM by brettcave

    jboss profiler 1 (CR4) - not getting any results


      I have set up jboss-profiler on JbossAS 4.2.2 (compiled my own libjbossAgent.so and libjbossInspector.so using the provided compile.sh scripts) on Centos. JVM startup params have been updated.

      "-XrunjbossInspector:/tmp/profiler/runtime,include=com.mycompany,ignore=* -agentlib:jbossAgent"

      Start up jboss, go to the mbean via jmx-console and activate profiling. Log files appear in /tmp/profiler/runtime (serverspy files). Access my application - which is extremely slow - a few minutes to load up sometimes. The log files grow. I then go to the mbean and stop the profiler collection.

      Go to /jboss-profiler web application, click on runtime profiler link, select the pid and leave all options selected, click submit. See all log files being processed, but on the next screen, i dont get any results :(

      seems to be doing everything except getting the results, am I doing anything wrong? How can i verify what is / isnt working?