1. Re: Memory Management in Jboss
peterj Oct 28, 2009 11:06 AM (in response to vinayarammohan1)What JDK are you using? And what OS are you running? JDK 6 comes with VisualVM which lets you see what is going on in a running JVM. It can take and analyze heap dumps. VisualVM can connect to JDK 5 JVMs also, but the heap dump functionality is not available on Windows.
Also, make use of the GC data options (-verbose:gc, -XX:PrintHeapAtGC, etc.) to see what the garbage collector is doing. For an introduction, see my presentation at:
http://www.cecmg.de/doc/tagung_2007/agenda07/24-mai/2b3-peter-johnson/index.html -
2. Re: Memory Management in Jboss
vinayarammohan1 Feb 12, 2010 4:08 PM (in response to peterj)Hi Peter,
Looks like I never got back to you and posted it today again.
JDK - 1.5, OS- Linux.
Was trying to get into the link you suggested. It threw me out.
3. Re: Memory Management in Jboss
peterj Feb 12, 2010 4:14 PM (in response to vinayarammohan1)"Was trying to get into the link you suggested. It threw me out."
I noticed that too while replying to another post just a few minutes ago. It seems like the ceCMG group has revamped their web site and the old papers and presentations are no longer available for download. But the white papers the presentation are based on are available at:
Get both the Java Garbage Collection Performance/Statistical Analysis 101 and 201 papers.