2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 23, 2002 12:06 PM by rgjawanda

    Jboss.net latest cvs version Axis not registered


      I am not sure if I should post this here.
      I checked out the latest version from cvs and did the build.
      I get an error when I try the /hello test
      It says this:
      should I post this somewhere else (please let me know)
      if not then do you know why this is?

      10:23:58,916 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536)
      10:23:58,932 WARN [jbossweb] WARNING: Exception for /hello/HelloWorld.jsp
      javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: j
      boss.net:service=Axis is not registered.
      at org.jboss.net.taglib.FlashParametersTag.doStartTag(FlashParametersTag
      at org.apache.jsp.HelloWorld$jsp._jspService(HelloWorld$jsp.java:63)
      at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:107)