3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 3, 2003 2:42 AM by jonlee

    What is JBoss.NET



      I am about to ask the dumbest question in the forum but have not quite been able to figure it out.

      What exactly is JBoss.NET?

      I have been working with JBoss and Axis for a while now and have deployed a number of web services under Axis under the "defauit" JBoss server, but am not quite sure what JBoss.NET is.

      I do not want to take up the forums time on simple questions, so if there is some documentation, description, web-site or other information someone can point me to, that would be wonderful.

      --Bruce II

        • 1. Re: What is JBoss.NET

          JBoss.NET is a service plugin for the JBoss microkernel. It is essentially Axis, except JBoss handles the deployment and then defers operation to the Axis service. Normally, you use a WSR to deploy the package. The tutorial at http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~bscharla/teaching/mtp_software/jboss/jboss-net-EJB-example.shtml shows you how to create the deployment for a simple "hello world" web service.

          Hope that is of use.

          • 2. Re: What is JBoss.NET

            Another dumb question is coming up... Please bear with it.
            I heard the JBoss.Net does not include the latest version of Axis, which provides more stabibility incorporate with Soap. Is this true?

            Thanks in advance.

            • 3. Re: What is JBoss.NET

              You will probably need the latest 3.2.x (3.2.2) release to get Axis 1.1 - earlier releases incorporated Axis 1.1 RCs as they became available. You can always read the release notes at SourceForge to see what is in the latest JBoss production release.

              You may also choose to install a standard Axis into JBoss instead of the JBoss.NET SAR plugin. We do this because we need to be able to migrate web services between application servers and not all of the support WSR deployment.