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1. Re: MDB as Web Service endpoint?
dsmiley Jan 11, 2005 10:07 AM (in response to amlgroup)Can someone please reply to this? I think I've heard references to this existing however as I look through the JBoss.NET source tree, I see no support for exposing MDBs as web services.
2. Re: MDB as Web Service endpoint?
anil.saldhana Jan 11, 2005 11:10 AM (in response to amlgroup)I fail to understand why an MDB has to be exposed as a Web Service. An MDB has no contact with the external world (read clients) except with the container. When a message arrives at a destination, the container creates a MDB and assigns the message to it.
Tell me if I am wrong. -
3. Re: MDB as Web Service endpoint?
thomas.diesler Jan 11, 2005 7:42 PM (in response to amlgroup)An MDB can act as WS endpoint in JBossWS since jboss-4.0.1. This cannot be done with JBoss.NET.
The use case is to add quality of service guaranties at the transport level (JMS) which HTTP cannot offer.