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1. Re: Document style web services.
jonlee Apr 29, 2004 8:06 AM (in response to scttu)Have a look at the example code supplied with Axis - from JBoss.NET is built around the Axis implementation. Also look at the Axis user's guide for more information.
Hope that helps. -
2. Re: Document style web services.
keanthian Oct 20, 2004 9:54 AM (in response to scttu)hi Stephen,
Did you manage to get your Doc/Lit web service works?
I'm facing problem while trying to implement Doc/Lit web service. My web method always get null value from the 2nd parameter. It works fine if my web metho donly receive 1 parameter.
Even when i try with axis, it's still giving me the same problem.
Please share with us if u manage to get your Doc/Lit web service works.