4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 10, 2004 1:53 PM by efrinmn

    Example of Jboss.net/.NET interop/WSDL generation?


      Has *anyone* successfully done the following:
      1. Write an EJB, tagging for jboss.net
      2. Deployed said EJB on jboss (version?)
      3. Accessed *generated* wsdl and saw methods (messages)
      4. Accessed the associated webservice with a .NET client


      I'd love to converse with you if you have ...

        • 1. Re: Example of Jboss.net/.NET interop/WSDL generation?

          1 - Yes
          2 - Yes
          3 - Yes
          4 - Not tried but I think others I work with have.

          • 2. Re: Example of Jboss.net/.NET interop/WSDL generation?

            Would you mind sharing? :)

            I've been fighting with the above for a week, and I can't convince methods to show up! Are you using authentication? What's the secret incantation??

            • 3. Re: Example of Jboss.net/.NET interop/WSDL generation?

              Answering my own question ..

              Having learned EJB in the pre-2.0 days, I was not conversant in the whole "local interface" thing. The samples I had found had all specified
              in the ejbdoclet tag and that evidently creates methods in the remote interface only, whereas
              creates both .. and evidently Jboss uses the local interface by default (is this configurable?)

              • 4. Re: Example of Jboss.net/.NET interop/WSDL generation?

                1 -yes
                2 - yes (3.2.4)
                3 - yes
                4 - no but....

                I have taken wsdl from a webservice (not deployed in JBOSS) and used it to generate a .NET client AWHILE ago. Can you use the WSDL to generate a .NET client?

                I don't think your issue is the local vs remote interface. Since you are exposing your ejb as a webservice, you want to specify remote interface (local is used if the client and app reside in the same app server). It may be an issue of what Axis refers to as "Message Service Style" (http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/user-guide.html). By exposing an ejb as a webservice in JBOSS you are using the RPC Service style. Previous levels of .NET used the Wrapped Service style. Check out "Specifying encoding/style in jboss.net" in this forum.