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1. Re: Why is jboss-net xdoclet hardcoded to rpc-encoded?
thomas.diesler Aug 4, 2004 2:55 PM (in response to zeke7237)Do you want to share your xdt?
2. Re: Why is jboss-net xdoclet hardcoded to rpc-encoded?
keanthian Oct 20, 2004 9:45 AM (in response to zeke7237)i have try to implement my web service with doc/lit, but it seem like not working properly. The problem arises when my web service method accepts more than one parameter. any once facing the same problem?
3. Re: Why is jboss-net xdoclet hardcoded to rpc-encoded?
thomas.diesler Oct 20, 2004 10:18 AM (in response to zeke7237)Can you try wrapping the parmeters with a single object. This issue has been addressed in jboss-head
4. 3836196
keanthian Oct 20, 2004 9:04 PM (in response to zeke7237)Yes, that is one of the work around..:-). I finally choose to use rpc/lit web service which is working fine.
By the way, when you said the issue has been addressed to jboss-head, is it possible for us to check the status?
I still haven't try JBossWS, is it has the same issue?