4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 20, 2004 9:29 AM by keanthian

    JBoss.net and xDoclet


      Hi all,

      I am fairly new to JBoss.net and web-services in general. I am planning to use jBoss.net for deploying my web-services. I have tested one of my web-services and it gets deployed fine.

      Now, I want to use the XDoclet tags for auto-generating web-service.xml. I searched on JBoss.org and found the following link:


      Now, here is the problem that I am facing:
      1.) First off, can someone please tell me where to download the correct "xdoclet-module-jboss-net.jar" from? The official xdoclet web-site (http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net) does not seem to have it.

      2.) Secondly, my web-service is neither an EJB nor a JMX bean. It's a simple Java class which will be invoked in J2EE environment. In this case which task should I use? The example on the link above only talks about EJB tasks(uses xdoclet.modules.ejb.EjbDocletTask) and JMX task(uses xdoclet.modules.jmx.JMXDocletTask).

      3.) Lastly, any example for using Xdoclet tags in saimple java classes case will be highly appreciated.


      PS:- you can directly reach me at nohwal@gmail.com, if required.

        • 1. Re: JBoss.net and xDoclet

          JBossWS in jboss-4.0 supports portable J2EE compiant web services. For a description of how to expose POJOs as service endpoints, see the JBossWS wiki.

          • 2. Re: JBoss.net and xDoclet

            Thanks for the response Thomas!

            Does that means I can't expose my POJOs as Web-services in JBoss 3.2.x?

            Many thanks.

            • 3. Re: JBoss.net and xDoclet

              No it doesn't. JBoss.NET builds ontop of Axis, which by default only exposes POJOs and not EJBs.

              It means, if you have the choice I recommend you to invest time and efford in standard ws and not the propriatary JBoss.NET approach.

              JBoss.NET has entered maintainance and will not be developed further.

              • 4. Re: JBoss.net and xDoclet

                hi all,
                i'm exploring JBoss.Net too...just would like to check with you all, did anyone of you try to develop Document/Literal web service? it seem like not working properly when your web services accepting more than one parameters..