1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 16, 2004 3:20 PM by paper57

    Access to HTTP headers


      I need to add code examining the contents of headers sent with the web service request before executiing the exposed method.

      Is there a pluggable interface to allow me to add in code somewhere in the execution process?

      Otherwise, where in the jboss/axis source should I look?

      Thank you in advance.

        • 1. Re: Access to HTTP headers

          Let me elaborate and clarify.

          After a more rigourous authentication procedure, I have a token to be sent with future web service invocations as a HTTP header (this will always be transport specific).

          The webservice will be invoking EJBs, however certain EJBS will require a check of the validity of the token as well as username and password, and possibly other transport specific information (IP Address).

          I have looked at adding request handlers, modifying (extending) the AXIS servlet, etc, but am unsure of the most architecturally sound way of doing this, knowing that at some point I may have to make this (more or less) compatible with WS4EE, not to mention I would like to accomplish this with as little pain as possible.

          Any suggestions?