1 Reply Latest reply on May 4, 2005 7:52 PM by aozarov

    Apache-Axis SOAP to Stateless Session EJBs - Message Style



      I apologize if this question was posted previously. I wasn't able to find it searching the forum.

      I would like to find out if there is a way to interface stateless session EJBs with Apache Axis using the message style. Ideally, I would like to have the EJB methods with the following message signature:
      public Document method(Document body);

      and be able to configure my deployment descriptor so that the SOAP body is passed to the method, for example:

      <deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/"
      <service name="Bean" style="message" provider="java:EJB">
       <parameter name="beanJndiName" value="ejb/Bean"/>
       <parameter name="homeInterfaceName" value="path.to.BeanHome"/>
       <parameter name="remoteInterfaceName" value="path.to.Bean"/>
       <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="test, test1"/>

      This does not seem to work, so an alternative approach is to build a series of wrapper classes that handle the message request and then call the EJB methods. This is not difficult, but a "slicker" approach would be most appreciated. If anyone has experience with this problem, assistance would be greatly appreciated.

      Thanks much,