2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 21, 2005 8:30 AM by scharlau

    Web Services course using JBoss/Axis


      I'm in the process of designing a graduate course on web services. I'm considering using JBoss & Axis for this course. If anyone is aware of any tutorials (or other educational materials) on using JBoss and Axis for web services, I'd really appreciate the information. Feel free to contact me at the following email:

      P.S. I also posted this on the JBoss Web Services forum. If anyone thinks I should post it on another JBoss forum, let me know.


      Glenn Ray
      Asst. Professor
      Dept. of Information Science & Telecom
      Univ. of Pittsburgh

        • 1. Re: Web Services course using JBoss/Axis

          Hi Glenn,

          maybe an course on portable J2EE-1.4 compatible web services is more appropriate. JBoss+Axis is a deprecated technology and will soon be replaced by our new JBossWS implementation that does not build ontop of Axis.

          Please see the JBossWS wiki for tutorials and general documentation


          • 2. Re: Web Services course using JBoss/Axis


            look at my course on Enterprise Programming, which admittedly covers more than just web services, but give you an idea of what can be done. The lectures aren't available, but you can see the practicals, which follow the subjects in the same order. As you're focusing on web services, you could also go into the whole uddi aspect, which should be in the next version of jboss too, so that you can do automated discovery. Since I ran this course, I think it needs to be tidied up to use more of the Sun wscompile tools, instead of relying so much on xdoclet, which when I did it was still being developed to handle J2EE 1.4 web services. Email me directly if you want to know anything else.

            Good luck, it should be fun.

