1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 27, 2005 1:43 PM by anil.saldhana

    Accessing SOAP message through Jboss WS / Axis


      Hello everybody,

      I'm a student working with JBoss AS 4.0.1.
      We use Web Services (through built-in Axis) and we use JBoss AOP.

      We have deployed a "HelloWorld" webservice (it's an EJB with "sayHello" method, webservices.xml) and it's working fine. Now we would like to intercept with AOP extracting the whole generated SOAP message of this webservice (the response going back), change it and write it back into the "chain".

      Our problem is: Where could we intercept and extract the Soap-message. One possibility is to intercept into the stub - but we cannot find any generated stub.

      Can anybody help me?

      - Ralf -

        • 1. Re: Accessing SOAP message through Jboss WS / Axis

          we do not use generated stubs/ties in our implementation. What you are trying to do is an academic experiment, but not supported by standards. You do have Jaxrpc handlers that can operate on the soap headers, but cannot modify the soap contents.

          The problem in suggesting an alternative to you is that JBossWS internal implementation is subject to change.
