4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 5, 2003 7:06 AM by adrian.brock

    what is the connection between a resource adapter and a *-ds


      i have my own .rar with my jca resource adapter in it. if i understand correctly i need to deploy a *-ds.xml so that this RA is bound to a jndi name and can be used from a session bean...

      but looking at the examples i can't see how jboss will see from my *-ds.xml that it should use my RA implementation.

      in ra.xml i can't see anything that uniquely identifies my RA and could be used in my *-ds.xml as a reference. or am i way off?

      my other issue is that i would like to package my .rar and my *-ds.xml in one ear. is it possible at all? i have a entry for my *-ds.xml in jboss-app.xml, and a in my application.xml.

      my *-ds.xml:



      <adapter-display-name>BDL Datasource</adapter-display-name>

      <config-property name="userName" type="java.lang.String"></config-property>
      <config-property name="password" type="java.lang.String"></config-property>
      <config-property name="database" type="java.lang.String"></config-property>
      <config-property name="host" type="java.lang.String"></config-property>



