1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 7, 2003 3:03 AM by moghrabi

    Pb Connect JBoss with SapDB



      I'd like to use SAPDB with JBoss 3.2.2. but I didn't success to connect SAPDB.

      I copy the sample file called "sapdb-ds.xml" with my specified values in the directory "deploy".

      I copy the jdbc driver of SAPDB "sapdb.jar" in the directory $JBOSS_HOME/server/all/lib/".

      When I deploy an EJB CMP using this datasource I get the following error :
      "16:49:31,406 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] MBeanException: Exception in MBean ope
      ration 'checkIncompleteDeployments()'
      Cause: Incomplete Deployment listing:
      Packages waiting for a deployer:

      Incompletely deployed packages:

      MBeans waiting for classes:

      MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
      [ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=HumainBean,service=EJB
      state: FAILED
      I Depend On:
      Depends On Me: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error: can't find data
      source: SapdbDS; - nested throwable: (javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Sapdb
      DS not bound)]"

      Any idea ? Have somebody succeed to connect Jboss and SapDB ?

      That are my "sapdb-ds.xml" file :


      Thanks for your help

      Xavier MOGHRABI