5 Replies Latest reply on Apr 20, 2007 9:21 AM by t.h.alves

    rich:dataTable problem ?



      i changed all my datatables to rich:datatable, but now i´ve got a strange behaviour..

      <rich:dataTable id="dtMyItens" var="item" value="#{BC06001.itens}" rows="10">
       <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />
       <rich:column >
       <h:outputText value="#{item.value}" />
       <rich:column >
       <a4j:commandLink action="#{BC06001.removeItem}" reRender="dtMyItens">
       <h:graphicImage url="/img/icone_x.gif" alt="Remove Item"/>

      As you can see my last column has a a4j:commandLink that has to reRender his parent rich:dataTable... The ajax request executes the method but not reRenders the table.

      What can i do ??

      a4j:commandLinks from outside this dataTable reRenders it correctly.. but not when it comes from inside..

      when i simply change rich:dataTable to h:dataTable the code works again..

      can anyone help me ?


        • 1. Re: rich:dataTable problem ?

          do you use Richfaces 3.0.0 or one of the latest 3.0.1 snapshot?

          • 2. Re: rich:dataTable problem ?

            I´m using richfaces 3.0.0.. I´ve tried to use 3.0.1 snapshot but some of the components didn´t work as they were... like panelBar.. the contents of panelbaritem just don´t appear when i change the jar file...

            I don´t know if i´m doing something wrong.. What do i have to do? just replace the richfaces3.0.0.jar with the snapshot jar??


            • 3. Re: rich:dataTable problem ?

              I tested with the latest 3.0.1 snapshot and got the same error. The datatable don´t rerender.

              using the a4j:log , i noticed that when the a4j:commandlink request is from outside the datatable everythig works ok:

              debug[18:08:34,984]: Update part of page for Id: INT06001_01:F06001_01:dtMembrosEquipe successful

              but when the a4j:commandlink request is from one of this datatable's rows the log shows:

              warn[18:12:40,592]: Node for replace by response with id INT06001_01:F06001_01:dtMembrosEquipe:0 not found in document

              why it´s trying to reach dtMembrosEquipe:0 and not only dtMembrosEquipe ?? (it seems that this '0' is the rownumber)

              when using t:dataTable instead the datatable is rerendered..


              • 4. Re: rich:dataTable problem ?

                did you get the ajax4jsf 1.1.1 latest snapshot as well.

                • 5. Re: rich:dataTable problem ?

                  Hello Sergey

                  i wasn´t using the ajasx4jsf 1.1.1-snapshot.. now i am .. and now its working..

                  Thanks again...
