2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 21, 2004 10:23 PM by kavuriprasad

    A particualr connection queue(requests) has grown up and han

      Dear all,

      I had a strange problem, that whenever a connection got more requests in pending then a new user can not login to our application.

      Initially the minimum connections are 10 and max is 1000. In normal scenario number of users can login.(Until now max concurrent users are 110)
      But when internet access is slow and users are clicking on number of links so the request queue has grown up at that time the existing users can interact with database but the new comer can not login to the system until the request queue became '0'.

      We are getting the queue info using "netstat"

      Configuration: LINUX8.0, JBoss3.2.3, MySQL4.0.18.

      my *-ds.xml configuration:




      <!-- pooling enhancement -->

      <!-- MySQL specific enhancement -->
      <connection-property name="autoReconnect">true</connection-property>
      <connection-property name="autoReconnectForPools">true</connection-property>
      <connection-property name="useNewIO">true</connection-property>

      <!-- cache properties -->
      <connection-property name="cachePrepStmts">true</connection-property>
      <connection-property name="prepStmtCacheSize">100</connection-property>
      <connection-property name="prepStmtCacheSqlLimit">500</connection-property>

      <connection-property name="cacheCallableStmts">true</connection-property>
      <connection-property name="callableStmtCacheSize">300</connection-property>

      <connection-property name="cacheResultSetMetadata">true</connection-property>
      <connection-property name="metaDataCacheSize">200</connection-property>

      <!-- logging for slow queries -->
      <connection-property name="logSlowQueries">true</connection-property>
      <connection-property name="explainSlowQueries">true</connection-property>



      Thanks in advance,
      Kavuri Prasad.