0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 29, 2004 10:00 AM by topicfun




      The following code works with Jboss3.2.1 properly:

      ResultSet rest = prepStmt.executeQuery();
      while (rest.next()){
      blob = ((OracleResultSet)rest).getBLOB(3);

      but with Jboss4.0 one exception is thrown.
      I have searched for some solution in topics and I found the following solution:
      blob = ((OracleResultSet)(((ResultSetInPool)rest).getUnderlyingResultSet())).getBLOB(3);

      But my problem is that I am not able to find the ResultSetInPool class in the jars. Has it existed yet? How could I solve this OracleResultSet problem?

      Thanks in advance!