2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 26, 2005 12:44 PM by galderz

    Accessing ResourceAdapter implementation instance from web a


      I have just finished a JCA (1.5) implementation for outbound TCP/IP connections and I was planning to create a web-app that would allow me to control different ManagedConnectionFactory instances associated with my ResourceAdapter implementation.

      This would allow me to, given a moment in time, see which connection factories are active, how many connections are in use and possibly destroy some of them if necessary.

      In order to do this, I need to be able to access the ResourceAdapter implementation instance from my web application. I looked in the JCA spec, but nothing seems to be mentioned about whether it is possible to access the ResourceAdapter implementation.

      Any one done this?

      I think i might be able to do it via the RAR deployment service JMX bean ('ResourceAdapter' attribute), but this would tie me to a JBoss application server implementation.

      Any help would be appreciated