2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2006 11:16 AM by weston.price

    Jboss 3.2.6 and Informix problems with using multi xa dataso


      My English is so poor, so I try my best to describle my problem in simple English sentence, Sorry. :)

      I have two informix database on one AIX OS Server, and I have added JBoss 3.2.x XA JCA file in "jboss-home/server/default/deploy/informix_xa_ds.xml" and configured two xa datasource in this file.

      My stateless Session EJB's transation type is "Container", transaction attribute is "Required".

      If I lookup two datasources througth two jndi which have been configured in informix_xa_ds.xml file , The first "datasource.getConnection()" method can get connection success, but The second datasource "getConnection()" failed (wait a long long time, > 1 hour, then it timeout)(the two method run in one ejb container transaction).

      If I lookup one datasource seperately(in two container transaction), two database connection can get successed.

      if two informix database on two AIX OS Server , the all is right, two connection can be get success in one transation and two transation.

      if i change my session ejb transation type to "Bean", The all is right also. two connection can be get success in one transation and two transation.

      in one sentence to say: Can not get multi(>1) connections througth xa datasource when multi informix database in one server and session ejb transaction type is "Container".