2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 14, 2002 3:56 PM by tbfmicke

    Quick JNDI Query


      I've configured a new MySQL datasource under JBoss 3.0 and tested it and everything seems to be working fine.

      However, I used the JNDI name MySqlDS and noticed that the datasource was subsequently bound to java:/MySqlDS.

      Does this mean that I should use the JNDIname comp/env/jdbc/MySqlDS if I want to access the datasource under the standard JNDI environment naming context: java:comp/env/jdbc/MySqlDS ?

      Thanks in advance....

        • 1. Re: Quick JNDI Query

          Well, actually I can confirm that it doesn't work. It seems as if the datasource is always bound beneath java:/.

          How do you access the java:comp/ namespace? I see it listed in the JNDIView xml output but the datasource is always bound to a sibling context.

          Any ideas?

          • 2. Re: Quick JNDI Query

            You get the java:comp/ namespace automagically when you create a reference to the DataSource inside the deployment descriptor of the EJB or WAR you are accessing the DataSource from.
