3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 1, 2002 5:41 AM by schoemc

    CD Example(Chapter 3) Problem


      After successful compilation and creation of the CD jar file, I deployed the jar file in the JBoss server. The deployment does not go through successfully and I get this error:
      09:01:13,540 INFO [EjbModule] Creating
      09:01:13,630 INFO [EjbModule] Deploying CDBean
      09:01:15,844 INFO [EjbModule] Deploying CDCollectionBean
      09:01:19,429 INFO [EjbModule] Remove JSR-77 EJB Module: jboss.management.single:J2EEApplication= ,J
      ERROR [EjbModule] Initialization failed
      org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error while fixing table name; - nested throwable: (org.jb
      oss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException
      : Connection is broken: Connection refused: no further information); - nested throwable: (org.jboss.
      resource.ResourceException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException
      Connection is broken: Connection refused: no further information)))

        • 1. Re: CD Example(Chapter 3) Problem

          Mmmm, it looks just like the error I got the other day. I did, however, manage to fix it by making sure I had the right JDBC driver and that my database setup was correct.

          Hope this helps.

          • 2. Re: CD Example(Chapter 3) Problem

            Hi- Thanks for your direction. As Iam new to JBoss can you please throw some light on how should I ensure whether my JDBC connectivity is set right? Iam using JBoss-3.0.

            • 3. Re: CD Example(Chapter 3) Problem

              The best I can do, is to tell you what I did. Your situation might be completely different.

              Since I'm using Oracle9i, I made sure that classes12.jar was in the lib directory.

              Then I created an oracle-service.xml file in the deploy directory. This could be tricky, but I managed to find an example on the web, and only had to make minor modifications. Make sure the stuff, and database URL is correct.

              I don't know if this was necessary (I'm also new to JBOSS), but I modified the standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml file in the conf directory to include the new datasouce mappings.

              And finally, in the login-config.xml file, also in the conf directory, I added the security realm that I entered in my oracle-service.xml file.

              Hope this helps (if you have managed already).