1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 10, 2002 1:41 PM by sgturner

    putting it all together


      I am in a manger constrained time frame to prove that JBoss 3.0 is a viable option. We currently run a large application on Weblogic. Here is my question :

      An application is usually made up of java classes (jar'ed java classes, Singleton's etc.), dependent libraries (jdom.jar, crimson.jar etc.) and the J2EE Beans. In the JBoss world where do all of these go? Do I need to se the classpath for these? is there a different directory structure for where to put the j2ee jars versus the libraries and classes (or do they all go in the ../default/deploy directory? Do the J2ee components all have to be under the ../default/deploy directory or can they live elsewhere and just be referenced for deployment.

      thanks in advance for your help

        • 1. Re: putting it all together

          Here is a quick and dirty answer.

          JBoss follows the J2EE spec, so you put the application code and deployment descriptors in a .ear file and typically this .ear file goes into default/deploy. If you have classes that are common across applications (across .ear files) you can jar these classes up into their own jar file and put it into default/deploy. You can put these jars into default/lib, but then they would not be available for hot redeploy. Don't put things like crimson.jar into your jars, as these things are universally available to your app code. Things usually put into default/deploy and also be put anywhere on the web and referenced via a URL. Either hardcode this URL in the default/conf/standardjboss.xml or after JBoss starts up, go into the jmx console and add the URL in the deployment MBean.

          Anything beyond that, you probably should browse at least the QuickStart Guide and get a copy of the Admin Guide, all available from the documentation page.