1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 24, 2002 5:24 AM by albel

    ejb with servlet client


      i try to use a servlet client to create an ejb but i dont know how to do it. The ejb works well with my java client and my servlet seems ok. But how do i have to package the stuff ? WAR, EAR? and what do i have to write in my web.xml file ? Is it the only conf file that i have to create ?


        • 1. Re: ejb with servlet client

          u must create your_ejb.jar and your.war then u can create your.ear.Your ear must contain your_ejb.jar your.war and in META-INF dir place application.xml file which describes your ear.

          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/dtd/application_1_3.dtd'>

          <display-name>Your ear</display-name>

