1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 12, 2003 11:32 PM by adrian.brock

    error in ejb-jar.xml method permission


      First of all I am completely new to Jboss and we are attempting to port completed production code from IAS 6.0 to Jboss 3.0.6 runing on RAS 2.1

      I have moved everything into the /all/deploy folder and when it starts it throws this error:

      "org.jboss.deployment Deploymentexception: error in ejb-jar.xml, method permission and unchecked element or one or more role-names elements must be specified in method-permission"

      since this did not happen on IAS can someone point me in the correct direction?

        • 1. Re: error in ejb-jar.xml method permission

          JBoss validates ejb-jar.xml against the dtd.

          Look at docs/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd


          The method-permission element specifies that one or more security
          roles are allowed to invoke one or more enterprise bean methods. The
          method-permission element consists of an optional description, a list
          of security role names or an indicator to state that the method is
          unchecked for authorization, and a list of method elements.

          The security roles used in the method-permission element must be
          defined in the security-role element of the deployment descriptor, and
          the methods must be methods defined in the enterprise bean's component
          and/or home interfaces.

          Used in: assembly-descriptor
          <!ELEMENT method-permission (description?, (role-name+|unchecked), method+)>
