2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 27, 2003 1:13 PM by vinays

    sample servlet not running in jboss3.0.6-tomcat4.1.18


      hello, there:
      i have a sample servlet (helloworld) run well on a stand-alone tomcat 4.0.1. i moved the servlet structure including source and WEB-INF/web.xml to the jboss-tomcat. recompiled the source. did not do any changes on web.xml. redirected CATALINA_HOME. started jboss(i assume tomcat is up too. another question is how can i check?). but when i do "http://localhost:8080/myApp/servlet/Testing", it gave error "HTTP status 500 - No Context configured to process this ".

      does anyone know what causes this error? is there any configuration i overlooked ?