7 Replies Latest reply on Aug 15, 2007 10:44 AM by lbbishop

    inputNumberSpinner forcing line break

      I want to have the following layout..

      Label : <rich:inputNumberSpinner>

      where Label is on the left and the spinner component is on the right. However, the component always forces the rending to look like the following.


      where Label is above the spinner component.

      No matter what type of formatting and style I apply, the spinner is always on a line by itself. Any ideas on how to fix this.

      Here's my web snippet.

      <rich:togglePanel id="newPoolLink" initialState="closed" switchType="client" stateOrder="closed, open">
       <f:facet name="closed">
       <rich:toggleControl for="newPoolLink" value="Add License Pool" />
       <f:facet name="open">
       <h:outputText value="License Count:" />
       <rich:spacer width="3" />
       <rich:inputNumberSpinner id="poolSpinner" value="1" minValue="1" cycled="false"
       maxValue="#{licenseManagement.selectedBundle.licensesAvailable}" />
       <rich:toggleControl for="newPoolLink" value="Cancel" />