1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 1, 2003 10:59 AM by juha

    deploy problem


      i have a newbie question. when deploying ear files into the $JBOSS_DIST/deploy folder, i found out that, if rename the ear files to different name, there'd be error occurred. for instance, originally there's ear file named abc.ear, then rename it to abc.ear.date_time. then deploy new one to $JBOSS_DIST/deploy with the same ear file (, also named abc.ear) . so it means that the abc.ear and abc.ear.date_time has the same contents, including its namespace; e.g., com.makemony.session.*.
      however, if i remove the old file, i.e., abc.ear.date_time, then seemly it runs ok. so i doubt that it's problem about namepsace. is that right? or is that problem about classloading? or anything it's related?
      i appreciate any suggestions,

        • 1. Re: deploy problem

          You didn't show the errors you were seeing but yes you'd usually hit namespace problems deploying two apps without changing the relevant jndi name mappings in the deployment descriptors.

          -- Juha