0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2007 2:16 AM by mkaliyur

    <ui:repeat doesnt work  inside <rich:tabPanel



      I had a page which generated dynamic tabs inside a tabPanel - It used to work with <c:forEach, and it stopped sudenly - after which I was unable to make it work again with c:forEach - so I tried to use <ui:repeat tag from facelet. but I'm facing similar issues even in here.

      I have pasted a snippet of code - notice that ui:repeat before the tabPanel refers to same list, but works, but inside tabPanel it doesnt work - Not sure if this is an issue with component id, but ui:repeat doesnt allow us to give explicit IDs..

      <ui:repeat inside tabPanel is simply ignored and none of the tabs get generated - jstl <c:forEach - it used to work some time ago, and now it has stopped working and I dont have a clue why !

      Thanks in advance for any clues as to how to trouble shoot..

      by the way.. tablist has 3 tabs and test ui:repeat renders the message 3 times..

      <ui:repeat value="#{Window.windowService.mappGridWindow.tabList}"
      value="Test Message #{ts1}">
      <rich:tabPanel id="DetailTabs" switchType="ajax"
      rendered="#{MappWindow.windowService.mappGridWindow.tabList.size > 1}">
      value="#{MappWindow.windowService.mappGridWindow.tabList}" var="tab" varStatus="ts">
      <rich:tab id="Tab#{tab.tabId}_#{ts.index}"
      ajaxSingle="true" rendered="#{ts.index > 0}">