1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on May 14, 2004 2:44 AM by juha Go to original post
      • 15. Re: SQL error while JBoss try to create the table in my data

        I've been looking for half an hour (and maybe more) for the Xdoclet tag to change, but i can't found if.

        I thought

         * @author ggratacap
         * @ejb.bean name = "Command"
         * display-name = "Command EJB"
         * description = "EJB for Command entity"
         * view-type = "both"
         * jndi-name = "Command"
         * type = "CMP"
         * primkey-field = "commandId"
         * cmp-version = "2.x"
         * * @jboss.cmp-field field-name = "commandId"
        public abstract class CommandBean implements EntityBean {
         * @param commandId
         * @return Integer
         * @ejb.create-method
         public Integer ejbCreate(Integer commandId)
         throws CreateException{
         return null;
         public void ejbPostCreate(Integer commandId){}
         * Retourne l'identifiant de "l'objet".
         * @return Integer
         * @ejb.persistence column-name = "ID_COMMAND"
         * jdbc-type = "INTEGER"
         public abstract Integer getCommandId();
         public abstract void setCommandId(Integer commandId);
         * @return CommandTypeLocal
         * @ejb.persistence jdbc-type = "INTEGER"
         * column-name = "FK_COMMANDTYPE"
         * @ejb.relation name = "CommandType-Command"
         * role-name = "Command_has_CommandType"
         * @jboss.relation related-pk-field = "commandTypeId"
         public abstract CommandTypeLocal getHomeCommandType();
         public abstract void setHomeCommandType(CommandTypeLocal commandType);

        would be ok,but it's not. If anybody has a clue ...

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