4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 8, 2007 12:01 PM by berdaimo

    ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...


      Subject says it all... What am I doing wrong here? Apparently the WrappedCallableStatement implementation that JBoss uses is doing something to prevent the casting, but what do I do to get around that?

      connection = getConnection("OracleDS");
       logger.finer("Calling request_list.get_default_request_list");
       cst = connection.prepareCall("{call request_list.get_default_request_list (?,?,?)}");
       cst.setInt(1, 1);
       cst.setInt(2, 1);
       cst.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
       rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)cst).getCursor(3);

      And getConnection is implemented as:
      private java.sql.Connection getConnection (String resourceName)
       throws NamingException, SQLException {
       logger.finer("Obtaining JNDI context.");
       //Obtain the JDNI context
       Context context = new InitialContext();
       logger.finer("JNDI Lookup to get the resource manager connection factory reference");
       //JNDI Lookup to get the resource manager connection factory reference
       javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) context.lookup("java:/jdbc/" + resourceName);
       logger.finer("Invoke factory to obtain a connection and return connection to calling environment");
       //Invoke factory to obtain a connection and return connection to calling
       return ds.getConnection();

        • 1. Re: ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...

          I figured out how to do it.. For posterity I'll post it here...

           cst = connection.prepareCall("{call request_list.get_default_request_list (?,?,?)}");
           cst.setInt(1, 1);
           cst.setInt(2, 1);
           cst.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
           rs = (ResultSet) cst.getObject(3);

          Note that using getCursor doesn't work BUT getObject does provided I tell the output parameter it's a oracle cursor.

          Go figure - the one thing I didn't try was the way to fix it..

          The reason for this is that JBoss called statements are implemented via a WrappedCallableStatement (a JBoss object) and that can't be cast to the OracleCallableStatement (which makes sense after I thought about it a bit). However, you can register the output parameter as an oracle type and then cast *that* to the result set.

          • 2. Re: ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...

            Hi !

            I got the same probleme, Could you like plz to help me !

            I got the following expetion :
            java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy4 while executing the line :

            rs = (ResultSet) myCallableStatement.getObject(2);

            It's seems that the connexion that I retrived from the datasource of Jboss descriptor is a proxy ! on the other side when I use the classic connection using :
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url)
            I have no problem ! but I'm constrained tu use the datasource connection

            Thank you


            • 3. Re: ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...

              Are you attempting to access a data source from a standalone client? If so, see http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=HowCanIAccessADataSourceFromAClient

              • 4. Re: ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...

                it's not recommended but it's possible under jboss 4 I think !
                Is there any solution to get a connection from xxx-ds.xml descriptor ? have you any example using EJB to get this connection from remote Interface ?

                Thank you ;)