2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 9, 2004 6:04 AM by rzanner

    Deployment Nightmare:  NoClassDefinitionError


      I'm experiencing a very strange problem.
      [JBoss 3.2.3, Windows 2000, j2sdk 1.4.2_04]

      My application used to look like this and everything worked fine, including accessing org.jcallcenter.supporing.core.EJBNameFactory

      org.jcallcenter.ejb.core //beans
      + TicketBean.class //cmp bean
      + TicketFacadeBean.class //session bean

      org.jcallcenter.interfaces.core //interfaces
      + TicketLocalHome //Ticket Bean's local home
      + TicketHome //Ticket Bean's home
      + TicketFacade //TicketFacadeBean's remote
      + TicketFacadeHome //TicketFacadeBean's Home

      + TicketServlet.class //class to test Ticket CMP

      + EJBNameFactory //a class with public strings to hold JNDI names

      It was packaged like this:

      ++JCallCenter/supporting.jar => lib/

      ++JCallCenter/src/META-INF/* => META-INF/
      ++JCallCenter/bin/org/jcallcenter/web/core/* => WEB-INF/classes
      ++JCallCenter/src/WEB-INF/* => WEB-INF/
      ++JCallCenter/JCallCenterEJB-Client.jar => WEB-INF/lib
      +JCallCenter/src/META-INF/application.xml => META-INF/

      (God I hope that made sense!)

      Anyway, I then expanded the project by adding another entity bean and another supporting class. This supporing class is really just a little DataType. So now my application looks like this:

      org.jcallcenter.ejb.core //beans
      + TicketBean.class //cmp bean
      + CountryBean.class //cmp bean
      + TicketFacadeBean.class //session bean
      + CountryFacadeBean.class //session bean

      org.jcallcenter.interfaces.core //interfaces
      + TicketLocalHome //Ticket Bean's local home
      + TicketHome //Ticket Bean's home
      + TicketFacade //TicketFacadeBean's remote
      + TicketFacadeHome //TicketFacadeBean's Home
      + CountryLocalHome //CountryBean's Local Home
      + CountryHome //CountryBean's Home
      + CountryFacade //CountryFacadeBean's Remote
      + CountryFacadeHome //CountryFacadeBean's Home

      + TicketServlet.class //class to test Ticket CMP
      + CountryServlet.class //class to test Country CMP and CountryData

      + EJBNameFactory //a class with public strings to hold JNDI names
      + CountryData.class //A class that can hold CountryBean's values

      It's packaged the exacty same way. On deployment a NoClassDefinitionError is thrown when JBoss tries to verify CountryData! It never had a problem finding EJBNameFactory in the class path! Any ideas or suggestions? I've also tried putting supporting.jar into default/lib and restarting JBoss, but it still throws the error! One other peculiar thing...the error is

      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: [Lorg/jcallcenter/supporting/core/CountryData;
       at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
       at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Class.java:1647)
       at java.lang.Class.privateGetPublicMethods(Class.java:1770)
       at java.lang.Class.getMethods(Class.java:824)
       at org.jboss.verifier.strategy.AbstractVerifier.hasEJBCreateMethod(AbstractVerifier.java:688)

      Where did the [L come from before org/jcallcenter/supporting/core/CountryData ?

        • 1. Re: Deployment Nightmare:  NoClassDefinitionError

          I was able to get this to work by including org.jcallcenter.supporting.core.*.class in with JCallCenterEJB.jar. Is this the correct way to include "supporting" type classes?

          • 2. Re: Deployment Nightmare:  NoClassDefinitionError


            "john_anderson_ii" wrote:
            I was able to get this to work by including org.jcallcenter.supporting.core.*.class in with JCallCenterEJB.jar. Is this the correct way to include "supporting" type classes?

            Hi John,

            I think you can add a "ClassPath=supporting.jar" directive to the Manifest.mf of the JAR containing your EJBs. This way the classloader also searches the given JARs for classes, if they are not found in the current JAR file.

            Hope that helps,
