0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 13, 2004 11:46 PM by yetang

    how to run default instead of all in jboss3.2.1 in tutorial?


      i am following tusc tutorial with jboss3.2.1 eclipse2.1 lomboz2.1.2
      jboss is running fine except a HAJNDI exception. after some research, i found HAJNDI is a mbean for cluster and i am running against "all" config. my questions are:

      1. how to eliminate the HAJNDI problem?

      2. if i run default config, will it get rid of HAJNDI service? then how can i start default config in lomboz?

      3. whenever i compile the ejb, i need change the "ejb-ref" to "ejb-local-ref" in ejb-jar.xml and "COMP" to "JNDI" in *Util.java. is there a correct xdoclet to get rid of these problems once for all?

      thanx in advance