1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 19, 2008 10:36 AM by rhauch




      I'm interested in contributing the eclipse plugins, and possibly other things. In my previous job I worked on integrating a proprietary content repository into eclipse based products.


        • 1. Re: dna

          That'd be great. We haven't defined much about the Eclipse plugins yet, but viewing information in an extensible repository is an important theme for DNA. We'd like DNA to have a way of customizing views for different kinds of information, and then have the Eclipse plugins and web application use those views to display the content to the users.

          For example, consider a description of a Java class that stored as a subgraph in the repository. We'd like to define a view template for any Java class that defines the semantic structure of that subgraph. Then, when viewing a particular Java class, that template would be used to build a view of the Java class, and this view could be used by the web application or Eclipse plugin to construct the actual display. The benefit is that users still get "domain-specific views" by creating new templates (or changing existing ones), but the Eclipse plugin or web application code doesn't have to change.

          I still need to get this documented on the wiki, but does that start to make sense? Please share your thoughts!